Use of the design in non-hospital settings
e.g. primary care, public health by country.
YORKSHIRE HEALTH STUDY: Ongoing population based regional cohort aiming to improve long term health of the region. Recruitment initally through GP practices in South Yorkshire, then widened to the Yorkshire region. Two waves of data collection (2010-2012, and 2013-2015), further waves planned. 22 studies have recruited through the cohort including several trials (DEPSY)
For more information contact
DEPSY: This pragmatic trial using the “cohort multiple randomised controlled trial” design tested the effectiveness of adjunctive treatment by homeopaths compared to usual care alone, over a period of 12 months in 577 patients with self-reported depression. This is the first completed trial using the cmRCT design. For information on the benefits and challenges experienced in this trial see this link.
MENOPAUSAL HOT FLUSH STUDY: This was the first (partial) pilot of the cmRCT design. A small cohort of women with severe/ frequent menopausal hot flushes were recruited to the observational study and one RCT conducted testing the effectiveness of the offer of a course of treatment by a homeopath compared to no offer. The trial was published in Contemporary Clinical Trials..
For more information contact
CLASSIC (Comprehensive Longitudinal Assessment of Salford Integrated Care) study: This NIHR funded study is testing the implementation and effectiveness of new models of care for people with long term conditions. The cohort of 4,000 is being recruited through GP practices in the Salford area of the UK. The study protocol can be found here.
For more information please contact Peter Bower
BIBBS (Born in Bradford Better Start Study): An experimental birth cohort study designed to evaluate the impact of early life interventions. The cohort plans to recruit 5,000 babies and their mothers and mother's partners over 5 years by 2020 and test a number of interventions to improve health and social outcomes during the critical early years.
For more information contact
CARE (The Yorkshire & Humber Community Ageing Research Study): This cohort is recruiting 1,000 patients over 75 years registered with GP practices in the Yorkshire & Humber area of the UK. The researchers plan to trial interventions to improve health and wellbeing in this population. This study is funded by the NIHR CLAHRC YH.
The study is registered here and the study website is here
For more information contact: Dr. Andrew Clegg and Anne.Heaven
REFORM: This cohort was initially formed in order to conduct a cmRCT of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for the prevention of falls in older people. The study originally recruited 2,6000 people from routine podiatry clinics to the REFORM cohort. During 2016-17, this cohort is being utilised to test a second intervention to prevent falls in the elderly - details of which can be found here.
The link to the original REFORM cohort study and trial protocol is here.
The study is led by Professor David Torgerson at York University in the UK.
FORBOW (Families Overcoming Risks and Building Opportunities); This project is recruiting the offspring of parents with severe mental illness including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and severe depression. It aims to test multiple interventions to reduce the risk of developing mood or psychotic disorders. The study began recruiting young people at risk in Canada in 2013. The link to the published protocol can be found here.
For more information contact Rudolf Uher at,
THE CEDAR PROJECT: is an ongoing longitudinal cohort study addressing HIV and Hepatitis C vulnerability amoung young indigenous people who use drugs in Vancouver and Prince George, Brisith Columbia, Canada.The first trial use the cmRCT/ TwiCs approach is testing the impact of mHealth for HIV Prevention Among Young Indigenous People Who Use Illicit Drugs. The protocol for the trial (described as a multi-site Zelen pre-randomised trial) is published by BMC Central and the Clinical Trials registration can be found here.
SPIN Scleroderma Patient-Centred Intervention Network: This CIHR funded study is recruiting an international cohort of people with the rare disease - scleroderma (Canada, France, USA, UK, France, Mexico) . Over 1400 people have enrolled to date (August 2016). Four trials of interventions to help people manage this condition are ongoing. The protocol can be found here.
Funding for two further trials was obtained in July 2016.
For more information contact Brett thombs